Zara Lockwood's Visual Diary of things relating to Coffee, Marketing, Winter Time.Blog EST. 2009
Home Business Opportunity
Note From Zara: My website/blog is presented to you as an Independent DXN Distributor - That Promotes Coffee and Ganoderma Products in the UK - if you are interested in the products/business opportunity e-mail me here: and I will email you details
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Note: if you are reading this via e-mail you might have to visit the website version of this page to see images. If you are a coffee fan...
If you are anything like me you might be well on the way to having a wide network, some are known across networks, some are long time cyber ...
Monday, August 3, 2009
Hi Folks just an update
hi there, just an update from Zara, last couple days I've been 'doing things' including setting up a Zlio Store - now you can set up one of these stores for free with up to 50 products in and they basically are e-stores linked to affiliate products, now the revenue % percentage is pretty low on some of the products (because zlio take a 40% cut on average) but I like the layout of the stores and you can add social networking links.
The store I have gone for is using the premium version but like I say there is a free version - you can pick which country and pick a product line. I've gone for a UK based store and a Coffee Product line and I've used one of their free templates - my store is here not quite finished yet! I've added a mix of coffee products.
I am hoping to add google connect or the xat chat box or something else to aid interactivity.
But this store may give a coffee affiliate some ideas to use in their own store - for example I've not stopped at coffee machines and coffee - the concept for all things coffee - is just that - all things coffee 'looking' or inspired too.
For example jewelry,furniture and clothing etc. is sometimes coffee colored - chocolate can = mocha coloured - cappuccino = tan and golds and whites etc.
So I also have a range of bed sheets described as 'cappuccino' by the supplier, designer bags, dresses etc.
So Coffee, at least in my store goes beyond just the stuff we drink, but that's because I'm exploring the niche. You could drill down further and just sell coffee machines or just sell coffee cups.
People that drink their lovely cup of Ganobrand Coffee, need some nice coffee cups and coasters to compliment their new favorite drink, don't you think ?
Other things:
The Coffee Venues
Okay, my venues I've made a temporary universal logo for them to bring a sense of focus to the idea that they are all the same thing - just spread out across networks.
I have made these venues for Coffee affiliates to either post their affiliate link, together with an article or review of the coffee they drink - in a targeted coffee place, where you are expected by all in there to post relating to coffee.
You could see them as virtual, free coffee convention center's. (at the moment they are just groups, with not a lot going on but as with any venue it takes time and incentives and content and locals etc. to build up a readership.
The point of them being there is if you belong to any of the social networks featured you can join the coffee venue associated with it.
Now one useful thing you could post there as a coffee affiliate, is links to discounted coffee or free coffee samples - these are well known ways for you to get leads into your coffee business.
Social networks are more than just link farms and lead generators, they are places to network and make friends - so you need to bare that in mind - I might be your next customer for example - what coffee products have you got that would interest ME ? Why would I want to buy from you ?.
The Journalist saying Who, What, Why, How, Where, when ?
Is very useful for marketers, a number of people use it as a basis for interaction about the facts/building press releases,pre-launch all sorts. It's like an interview.
Q - Who are you ? A - I am Zara an Internet Marketer based in the UK.
Q - What do you do ? A - I sell Coffee related items on-line, I have a particular interest in ganoderma coffee.
Q - Why are you doing it ? A - I personally like Coffee so thought I'd see if I could sell it, I've been interested in Internet marketing for 8 years, and decided to focus on the coffee niche to make use of everything I have learned so far.
Q - How are you selling it ? A - I am in the process of setting up Coffee Venues which are attached to revenue share business models such as affiliate marketing, dropshipping, estores, blogs and auction sites. This is combined with social networking and personal branding to create more awareness of the products and services available to coffee consumers.
Q - Where can you be contacted if I with to make a coffee purchase or join the affiliate programs you recommend ? A - If you wish to contact me regarding a purchase or coffee affiliate details I can be contacted for UK information @allthingscoffee or @coffee2u on Twitter ( note: @coffee2u is now my USA coffee information channel)I can also be contacted here:
Q - When is your next live broadcast/webinar/video blog/newsletter due out ? A - At the moment I don't have set dates for any of the above but you can generally expect a video and or newletter once or twice a week and my blog updates are delivered via feedburner once daily, providing I post that day. People can optin to extra e-mail courses as they wish.
You could also use this Q and A to make sure you know who your target market is - i.e who are your potential customers, What brand of coffee to they currently buy ? Why are they buying that coffee ? How are they buying that coffee ? Where and when are they buying that coffee ? = How can you get them to buy coffee from you instead ?
Final note:
Just a reminder again that each of the venues is hosted on a social networking website, each has their different set of rules - remember if in doubt - leave the affiliate link out and add a way for people to contact you about a product or service you sell - i.e you can say to people what you do as a living and invite people to link with you on facebook or twitter or plaxo for example.
Plaxo is venue no.25
With Plaxo you can then drop your new buddy a quick e-mail if they have expressed an interest in your product range. - If you are a phone person - i.e you don't mind people phoning you at all times - I'd say add your phone number to anything and everything - get customers to call you and ask for information.
I personally don't do phone calls preferring e-mail and forums so I can think my answers through a bit first - but I might take it on as a challenge in the future - then you can ring me and we can chat about all this if you want :-)
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