Home Business Opportunity

Note From Zara: My website/blog is presented to you as an Independent DXN Distributor - That Promotes Coffee and Ganoderma Products in the UK - if you are interested in the products/business opportunity e-mail me here: and I will email you details

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Added another Ganoderma Affiliate Stream

This blog is all about Ganoderma and products related to coffee, so I will be adding other affiliate programs of a similar nature Ganoderma Coffee is another program that is centered around the Reishi Mushroom so it qualifies for this blog and the attention of my affiliates.

You can sign up here: Ganoderma Coffee - This Company will ship the products worldwide

Here are the FAQ's for affiliates - they are straight forward to read and answer most questions:

Frequently Asked Questions

How much will I make as an affiliate?
We will pay you a 20% commission for every sale you generate by sending people to GanodermaCoffee.com through your affiliate link. Plus, if you
introduce others to this program we will pay you a 10% commission on the sales
they make!

This is a 2 level program:

(1) You (20% of retail sale paid to you)

(2) People who join under you (10% of sale paid to you)

What is the Cost to Join as An Affiliate?
FREE! There is absolutely no cost to Join GanodermaCoffee.com as an Affiliate!

Can I make Medical Claims?
NO! If you make medical claims, your account will be terminated immediately, as the FDA gets very upset as a result of this. WE have to protect our affiliates!

How and When do I receive my commissions?
When you sign up to become an affiliate, you are asked if you would like to be paid via paypal or via a paper check. Whichever form of payment you choose will be the method that you receive your monthly commission check.

Payments for the previous months sales are paid on the 3rd of the following month...
Example: Sales in January are paid on the 3rd of February. No minimum sales are required.

Am I responsible for my own taxes?
We will issue an IRS W-9 Tax ID form to you, should you meet the standards for issuance. You are be responsible for paying your own taxes from the income we send you.
This is the rule of the IRS, not us. The form should be returned to us, not the IRS.
The IRS requires W-9 Forms to be on file when total reportable payments to any individual, sole proprietor, or
business equal or exceed $600 per year. If we have paid you this amount over the past year, and we have
requested this form to be filed, please Click Here.

Will I be provided any sales tools to promote my business?
We have banners (welcome to use your own), text ads, and text links. If you do make your own banners, text ads, or text ads please have us approve them first. No medical claims, etc. Remember, the FDA gets very much upset about ANY health claims. Sites making such claims will be removed from the program immediately.

Sorry... that's the rules here in the U.S. See our terms before you join.

Will I be able to track my commission in my backoffice?
Yes! When you sign up as an affiliate, we will assign you an affiliate id. You will also be provided with a username and password to log into your account. Once logged in to your account, we provide tracking of all of your affiliates, affiliates sales, and your sales at mo additional cost.

Does GanodermaCoffee.com have a wholesale program?
If you would like to purchase from your own link, you can do so and receive 20% off your order. This will allow you to purchase our products at a very competitive price for resale. Of course, when you do this you will be stocking the inventory.

Do I have to stock inventory as an affiliate?
NO! That is the beauty of this affiliate program. There is nothing to stock at all. We will maintain the inventory, shipping, and sales. All we ask you to do is to promote the program and earn commissions from sales generated from your affiliate links.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Lesson 3 getting started with a blog and twitter

Lesson 3

Okay, in the lesson I'm going to take a look at the very beginning. At the time of writing this entry I have not 'promoted' GanoBrand other than introducing it on Twitter via @coffee2u and adding other marketing tools to prepare for promoting it.

I have 1 downline member (cheers Tom!)and the beginnings of a blog (this one). I am starting from scratch and explaining what I do along the way to build up a downline and generate a micro community around this range of products centered around Healthy Coffee.

Ingredients so far:

Step 1. Find a Product you want to sell.

Step 2. Create a Blog, in this case I am using blogger's blogspot, a free service owned by Google. The address (URL) is here: http://ilovegano.blogspot.com Keep note of this address for the next step.

Step 3. Create a Twitter account try and think of a twitter name that is connected to the product for example I was lucky to get @coffee2u, try different names until you get a name you are happy with, that is not too long. My twitter URL is: http://www.twitter.com/coffee2u

So in this lesson: you are getting three things organized - You have decided on a product, you are creating a blog, which is your main website to bring people BEFORE you send them anywhere else (this is an important point, especially if you are an Affiliate Marketer). You are also creating a twitter account, which is your first marketing tool, as it is a way to connect to a group of people very quickly, these people don't need to be targeted traffic to begin with, simply familiarize/customize your twitter account to match your blog account, and follow some people that look like they will follow back that are in a similar niche to your product, building up a base of random follows can also lead to meeting different kinds of people.

When you tweet don't just add all links to products, chat to people, unlike most I recommend using a brand picture rather than your face if you are focusing more on the product sales than the social aspect, this makes it clear you are selling something not 'pretending' to socialize, you are clearly there for a mixture of purposes and people will come to expect the commercial posts, I'd made about 1 in every 5 posts a commercial post/directly related to the product, but of course if you are in the middle on a conversation you don't stop and add your advert quota! it's just a general guideline, to keep you focused on the reason for the account - the product you are selling.

Look for some other people using brand images to chat to, this may ease you into chatting in a mixture of marketing and social situations rather than pitching your product like a parrot!. This way you can have a mixture of social chat and product plugs aren't plonked in the middle of a social exchange, your followers will then know that you sell items, know you have a business to run/part of your job, and they can still get to chat with the real person in between your generic product posts.

Remember to go into settings on Twitter and add your blog URL, it will show up on your profile - this is a direct link back to your blog and you want to get people to your blog in the next lesson I will explain why. Invite people to click on the link to visit your blog in the bio section.

===Copy and paste section below into page if you wish, to reprint article :===

I love gano by Zara Lockwood is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at ilovegano.blogspot.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://ilovegano.blogspot.com.

====================Copy and paste Finish.====================

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lesson 2 - Understanding Affiliation and Team Loyalty

Lesson 2.

In the ideal Affiliate or Network Marketing world you have a nice chatty upline and downline that all talk to each other, share ideas and strive forward as a team and achieve big profits together.

In reality I've noticed either an unresponsive upline or downline, deliberately cutting out there Upline (cutting out their upline's commission) and I've also heard of Upline 'poaching' other people's downlines by bribery. Guess what ? all of these things are unethical practices, and you are unlikely to make anymore money from doing them, cutting people out of your plan breeds disloyalty and makes the Affiliate and Networking model FAIL.

Now when you first start Marketing these 'blackhat' kind of tricks might make you think you are 'in the know' and making progress - or you might not understand the reason why you should whenever possible give your upline credit for finding you, by becoming their team mate and joining via their website link.

The point is, it's a BIG Internet World out there with many, many Millions of people all spending money on affiliate/networking advertising in the hope (or planned expectation) that the reward for their effort/money and time will be a wage to feed their families or fund their lifestyle.

Now most Affiliate Programs like The GanoBrand Affiliate Program have two parts to them -

The first part - is a product you can sell - with GranoBrand you are pointing potential customers towards a range of Ganoderma products, including healthy coffee blends, Mocha, Cereal and other supplements. If people buy that product you earn a sales commission of 20%

The second part - is residual earnings through a second tier of recruits of 10% - in other words, if you happen to enjoy networking and building teams of people and you want to help them generate sales of coffee too, you have a second income stream, the first 20% the second 10% combined you have your wage and an active team of people doing the same as you, each person is their own sales team leader, each person gets value from their upline (training, mentoring in the program, advice) and value from their downline (residual Income)

In cases where the upline isn't giving you value, like they haven't introduced themselves or sent you tips and advice or invited you to groups and events on-line etc. I think you have the right to move to another team, but try contacting them first, they might have missed your activation e-mail and not realized you joined as a team mate. Also it's no good having an upline that doesn't understand English enough to direct you to websites you can advertise the product or get recruits from. This doesn't mean avoid non English speaking it just means you need to have your sales materials in an easy copy and paste formula and tell them to send it to their recruits OR have a central location such s this blog where your recruits can come and pick up tips, banners and other training materials.

The message you need to learn from lesson 2. is:

1. It's in the TEAM - Set a good example

Don't cut out your upline, as they are part of the system that makes the good practice of following the system rather than breaking it, if you are deliberate affiliate system breaker you will attract system breakers and end up with a disloyal downline that are easily poached or cut you out of your commission, set an example, raise the bar, you want people to trust your actions, not think you' re just in it for yourself, you are in it for a team, that is what 2 tier affiliate marketing and Networking marketing is about, if you don't like team work you will fail.

2. Communicate with your Downline - show them what to do!

try and communicate with your upline (if they haven't contacted you, to let them know you are interested in any training materials they have to offer you. Contact your downline on a regular basis, if they don't like your communication - explain to them they are in your team of Affiliates, if they really don't want your communication, stop sending them mail and focus of downline that do want your help, in your final message to the grumpy affiliate you can tell them you are sad to see them go, remind them they are welcome back into your team whenever they like and give them a brief description of what they are missing, online Chat with other affiliates, freebies, contests etc. Keep the door open for them, but don't waste your time trying to persuade them.

3. Make streams of information available to your team mates - I can help you with most of the systems I use, they are simple to set up and increase your reach, I will go into more details about each in future lessons.

My Team mates have these resources to find me or learn something - all of these resource either lead to the twitterfeed or this blog and this blog leads to the GanoBrand Website, the many sites I connect with I see* as satellites (directional tools) revolving around the "planet" of the product and income opportunity.

This Blog: http://ilovegano.blogspot.com/ This blog is also linked up to Facebook via Networked Blogs http://apps.facebook.com/blognetworks/blog/i_love_gano/

A Twitter stream @coffee2u - where my i love gano blog entries are automatically sent to it on publication using twitterfeed I chat about the products and the affiliate program on this twitter channel it's also on widgetbox: http://www.widgetbox.com/widget/zara-lockwood-coffee2u-on-twitter

I have a I Love Gano Group on my Ning Network:
http://incomeclubpro.ning.com/group/foodstuff that contains the twitter feed, widgetbox widget and blog entries.

I have the Blog on MyblogLog with a community ready for potential affiliates and/or people interested in Coffee http://www.mybloglog.com/buzz/community/coffee2u/

People hd the option to subscribe to blog updates via e-mail delivery using feedburner -

Subscribe to I Love Gano - Enjoy A GanoBrand Coffee With Us by Email

or by RSS / Atom in an RSS reader



This list will grow and I will add them to the "lets connect" page here


===Copy and paste section below into page if you wish, to reprint article :===

I love gano by Zara Lockwood is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at ilovegano.blogspot.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://ilovegano.blogspot.com.

====================Copy and paste Finish.====================

Friday, April 17, 2009

Lesson 1 - I found my ideal product now what ?

Lesson 1

This lesson starts at the point that you have found a product / and or service you want to invest your time and money in, in cases throughout this blog the product I am going to presume you have joined with me as a GanoBrand Affiliate I may add other programs as I go but for now the main focus is on this Ganoderma Coffee product and related items, I will include external links below if you wish to find out more about the product.

Note: If you are in my team make sure you read First steps for GanoBrand Affiliates

If you have joined a program other than this one you are welcome to read along, as this is a good example of what an upline should be doing for you, it doesn't always work out that way of course!

Just substitute your product or service in it's place, I am providing PLR rights for this course, so you can even upload it to a clone of this blog, just remember to upload the license and have a link to it in the main bar of your blog - keeping my name and link and the Creative Commons terms.

Okay So you have your Product:

The first thing you need to know is that different promotional methods work for different people - some people will say that Adwords is "the only way to make money" full stop while others will say "oh I got all my leads and customers doing business networking" My point is, that there isn't a wrong or right as such it is a question of learning a method of promotion, finding one that suit you, make you feel as if you are making progress.

The main method I will be looking at in these lessons are list building and attraction marketing through the use of social networks, forums, classifieds, twitter and any new gadgets that present an opportunity to build relationships, communication with people and create an income stream to support the way of life you want or need.

You may already know some of the steps if you have tried Internet Marketing before but I am adding them for newbies and a refresher, I believe our brains need to be reminded of key information and facts we already know, again and again, like a form of mental keep fit.

The main purpose of this lessons is to remind you that you have made a decision:

You have choosen to become a GanoBrand Affiliate with Zara Lockwood - welcome to my team :-)

External links:

Sign up to Ganobrand Affiliate Program (delivers coffee to USA and Puerto Rico) :

GanoDerma Coffee (Delivers Coffee Worldwide)
www.ganodermacoffee.com - if it asks you for an affiliate code or promo code use number: 613 as that is my code and you will become part of my team

or In prelaunch another Worldwide effort:
www.healthycoffee.com - ilovegano - you should be signing up under: Referring Dealer ID = 817763

Ganoderma lucidum

===Copy and paste section below into page if you wish, to reprint article :===

I love gano by Zara Lockwood is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at ilovegano.blogspot.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://ilovegano.blogspot.com.

====================Copy and paste Finish.====================

Introduction to the blog and terms

I have decided that I might use this blog as an example of an income stream, a way to teach affiliates the process of building a network around one product, it might come in handy for people in Network Marketing too. I was going to use the honey bee blog to demonstrate this, but decided it might be a bit to abstract for some, so I might leave that idea for the time being and focus on a products and tools that can be used to promote it across the web.

So, so far this blog is a simple, uncluttered freebie blog and I shall add items and describe what I am adding as I go, in between that I shall be adding links to coffee and related items to spark ideas to add to a store, once I am happy with the steps I will add them to the link section on the left for quick reference.

I Zara Lockwood am giving you a PLR license to use, give away or sell the text in this blog for your own use or to teach your Affiliates - The USA license is a Global one and I expect anyone using this blogs content to display a link this blog on the permanent front page of their blog or website or eBook (etc.)

Creative Commons License

=============Copy and paste this on a license page, Start:==========

I love gano by Zara Lockwood is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at ilovegano.blogspot.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://ilovegano.blogspot.com.

=============Copy and paste this on a license page, Finish.==========

Thursday, April 16, 2009

First steps for my Affiliates

Note these steps may change or be added to, these are some things that can be done by my affiliates to begin with:

Step 1.

Make sure you have signed up with me, Zara Lockwood, with either 1 or all of the sites I recommend for my team - I have a vested interest in helping YOU earn, as it means I earn too!

The 3 Healthy Coffee programs I recommend can be signed up to via The Healthy Coffee Downline Builder I created for visitor to this blog

- or the programs can be accessed via the these sites individually:

Note: So Far GanoBrand is my top recommendation to join in order to sell Healthy Coffee in USA and Puerto Rico - as it's free to sign up, the coffee is at a great price, and the Affiliate Program has a complete range of tools to use in promotion and it has a simple commission structure of 20% on first level and 10% on second level.

Ganobrand Affiliation

'GanodermaCoffee' are also using an Affiliate program and they deliver Worldwide - which is handy for people like myself in the UK.

GanoDerma Coffee


MLM/Network Marketing Healthy Coffee Programs to look at:


Note: I personally drink this Energi Black coffee and it tastes much better than I was expecting from an instant coffee, it's quite strong so I drink it in a mug, with loads of milk and 1 sugar. It's moreish so watch out !- you might end up liking the taste more than your regular supermarket coffee :-)

I am now also a DXN distributor so if you wish to sign up in my team contact me for details. Note: DXN is a large supplier of ganoderma based products, a lot like Gano Excel ( I am thinking of joining GE too btw- so I can get the widest range of ganoderma products possible for customers worldwide)

Step 2.

Join My I Love Gano Club on Ning at "ICP Ning Nomads" here:


Step 3.

Join up to the I love Gano Feedburner e-mail subscription for this blog as it will provide content updates and suggestions connected with coffee and other items in the ganobrand range.

Step 4.

To get the Extra Info and tools to help you promote - join my Private coffee club on Facebook

5. TBA

Ganoderma Hoodia High Fiber Cereal™

Start your day off right! A satisfying healthy breakfast choice for adults! Filled with healthy goodness such as, Ganoderma, Hoodia, Spriulina, Oats, Noni Extract and much more! Fills you up, keeps you going strong.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Welcome to I love Gano

This blog cover topic around the Ganobrand Drinks Range plus products, services, articles and information of interest relating to coffee.

This is also a blog to help people market their coffee related products to earn money from their favorite brands, as I think everyone would love to earn money promoting something they enjoy themselves, coffee is loved by millions of people, so this blog will share the love <3

You can follow the updates on twitter @coffee2u